miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

My laptop and I

The laptop is a computer machine for personal use. The laptop is too useful for works in any places like subway or in the University.

I got it when my father gave to me for my birthday, and I used for to many things. I like download foreign movies for internet that even exist in Chile or listening to music. I have a lot of music in my laptop and I expend all the PC memory in that.  Also I used for my homework to the University.

I spend all the time with my laptop, I used to much becouse I dont' watch televisión, I reed the news for internet or see online television programs.

I liked the laptop becouse is to practical, you can do many things in one machine, I can imagine the life without the laptop. This tecnology have the possibilitie of simplify our life, the homework is more easy when you can use a laptop.