lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

My future job

I have the image of the journalist who travel a lot writing news and chronicles. Knowing different cultures in their trips, interviewing people with another point of view. 

If I have lucky I want to be like this type of journalist. But I think that is quite difficult. (It's really a dream. But if I think my future job in a realistic way, I like to work in a writing media. 

For the journalist, the ability to write about things, and specially the chronicle and report can be developed in a magazine or in a newspaper. 

However the newspaper is so stressful for a junior journalist. You don’t have a life running from one place to another for a story. And the publishers don’t have much patience. 

I prefer the Magazine, is a great media, maybe when I ended my career I can work in a magazine doing reports about social issues and culture like I want, or maybe can do photographs to illustrate the writing. I love photographs, I would like this too! 

But wherever I do in future I hope that was great for me, and that I can learn of the people who I'm going to work with. I hope my writing and reports improve over the years. And who knows, maybe can write a book one day! 

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